Ambient video installations

Part of our artistic endeavor is the creation of ambients transfigured by total sensorial immersions. With music, visual digital art, and olfactory stimulation.

These are to be created in public spaces, theater foyers, and art galleries. They are intended to enhance the environments and ambientations for installations and presentations by artists, photographers, dance theatre groups, and opera singers.

a re-genearative video dome

Inspired by the American Indian sweat lodges, low-profile huts, typically dome-shaped, where purification ceremonies are performed, as well as by the many basilica domes in Venice, Italy where artists Clare Ann Matz
and Valentina Reolon grew up.

The INPUT_OUTPUT dome was designed to be a regenerative experience for the visitors, infusing their mind , body and soul with visions, sounds, smells and poetic lyrics.

Presented at the Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista, Venice for VM23 (Venice Masked) from September 30 to November 26 2023
SOON appearing at "I Magazzini del Sale" Venice, Italy

3D rendering by Giuseppe Piccolo

INPUT_OUTPUT -regenerative video dome

INPUT_OUTPUT dome 3D rendering by Giuseppe Piccolo
INPUT_OUTPUT dome 3D rendering by Giuseppe Piccolo
INPUT_OUTPUT dome 3D rendering by Giuseppe Piccolo
INPUT_OUTPUT dome 3D rendering by Giuseppe Piccolo
INPUT_OUTPUT dome 3D rendering by Giuseppe Piccolo
INPUT_OUTPUT dome 3D rendering by Giuseppe Piccolo
INPUT_OUTPUT dome 3D rendering by Giuseppe Piccolo
INPUT_OUTPUT dome 3D rendering by Giuseppe Piccolo

Click on video above to listen to and watch the "ARIA" installation

Click on video above to listen to and watch the "WATER" installation

MAVMIX video d'ambiente

Samples of sound bits and video art

Spring Smoothy

A finely spun canvas of soft electronic moods, colorfully fun. Music and art for an easy atmosphere

A soft canvas of soft chill moods, blue shadows and light.

Pink & Pushy
Chill me One

2:30 minutes
Time to wind down